Welcome to our website of the Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Syariah (STIES) Alifa, which I address to all elements of leadership, lecturers, staff and students in the community to be able to access all information about all profiles, activities and facilities of our college.
To become an Excellent College at the National Level in Developing Sharia Economics by 2032.
1) Organizing quality and integrated education and teaching with an entrepreneurial spirit. 2) Carrying out research and development based on an entrepreneurial spirit. 3) Carrying out Community Service with an Entrepreneurial Mindset 4) Developing Mutual Collaboration with Various Regional, National and International Institutions in the Field of Sharia Economics, Sharia Business Management and Sharia Banking 5) Providing Quality and Integrated Education and Teaching in Sharia Economics with Spirit Entrepreneur. 6) Carrying out research and development in the field of sharia economics based on an entrepreneurial spirit 7) Carrying out community service in the field of sharia economics with an entrepreneurial outlook 8) Developing mutual cooperation with various institutions on a regional, national and international scale in the field of sharia economics.
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